PDF⋙ Mental Toughness: A Champion's State of Mind by Kuehl Karl

Mental Toughness: A Champion's State of Mind by Kuehl Karl

Mental Toughness: A Champion's State of Mind

Mental Toughness: A Champion's State of Mind by Kuehl Karl PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Mental toughness is the art of turning promise into performance. It's about individuals taking control of their lives in order to gain the most from their abilities. In baseball, every at-bat or pitch is a test of mental toughness, particularly as players advance to higher levels. Here Karl Kuehl, John Kuehl, and Casey Tefertiller, working from a vast combined experience, have broken down the elements of mental toughness into an easily understood package. Not only baseball players but other athletes as well as managers, coaches, and parents can learn how such elements as attitude, confidence, and the ability to focus and make adjustments are built and how they can help players reach their maximum performance. In Mental Toughness, many leading professional players share their insights and offer a glimpse into the minds of major leaguers—how they think and why they act in the ways they do. Among the players and coaches who took part in the writing of the book are Sean Casey, Dave Stewart, Robin Yount, Scott Spiezio, Bud Black, Scott Brosius, and Mike Bordick. Readers will find that the same skills of mental toughness that lead to success on the playing field also translate into personal life and business. Individuals who develop efficient attitudes and learn concentration skills are far more likely to succeed. Mental Toughness is about forming a strategy for baseball—and for life—that is most likely to bring achievement and satisfaction. With 20 black-and-white illustrations.

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