PDF⋙ Candle in the Mirror by Erin Altrama

Candle in the Mirror by Erin Altrama

Candle in the Mirror

Candle in the Mirror by Erin Altrama PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

I hope this book might give some insight into an adopted person's world. The one lived out of sight from those who know and love us. Adoption stories are numerous and it would appear, according to exposure given by media sources, mostly resolved. My quest for genetic background illustrates how resolution need not necessarily culminate with a happy 'reunion'. I have chosen to publish under the name of Erin Altrama. Erin means from Ireland and Altrama translates from the Irish language to 'adopted.' All family names and locations within Ireland and the UK have been changed in order to protect identities. My story begins in 1956 when my biological mother, upon discovery of her pregnancy, traveled from Ireland to Scotland. Her daughter was born soon after, but has remained a lifelong secret. Only one request is noted on the records, that is her desire the child be adopted by an Irish Catholic family. My shared past is of course with the mother and father who raised me. They prevail as a source of many anecdotes and shared moments recollected with love. Adopted people are aware of the benefits brought to them by their status, but being sensitive to this does not change the deep need for knowledge of our roots. During the course of my twenty-five year journey I encountered many interesting people and moments from our shared humanity. I am grateful to each one of them for their contributions which enhanced my world.

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