PDF⋙ The Journals of Hippolito Ruiz: Spanish Botanist in Peru and Chile, 1777-1788 by Hipolito Ruiz

The Journals of Hippolito Ruiz: Spanish Botanist in Peru and Chile, 1777-1788 by Hipolito Ruiz

The Journals of Hippolito Ruiz: Spanish Botanist in Peru and Chile, 1777-1788

The Journals of Hippolito Ruiz: Spanish Botanist in Peru and Chile, 1777-1788 by Hipolito Ruiz PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Ruiz spent 11 years exploring the villages and botanical landscapes of Peru and Chile. His journals contain detailed, personal observations of about 2000 plants, along with his impressions of the culture and perils of exploration in South America.

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