PDF⋙ Wounds and Lacerations: Emergency Care and Closure by Alexander T. Trott
Wounds and Lacerations: Emergency Care and Closure by Alexander T. Trott
Wounds and Lacerations: Emergency Care and Closure by Alexander T. Trott PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
With Wounds and Lacerations: Emergency Care and Closure, you'll get clear, concise guidance on the latest techniques and strategies for treating lacerations, wounds, and burns. This medical reference book will help you optimize every aspect of patient care based on current literature and guidelines.
- Expedite review and reference with a bulleted "Key Practice Points" section at the beginning of each chapter.
- Quickly reference the latest recommendations for tetanus and rabies prophylaxis.
- Implement the latest approaches for the use of ultrasound in foreign-body detection and removal; use of absorbable sutures on the face and hand; approaching complicated infections such as MRSA; managing chronic wounds seen in elderly and diabetic patients; applying new suture techniques and materials for pediatric patients; and updated recommendations for tetanus and rabies prophylaxis.
- Get step-by-step visual guidance on all aspects of wound care through more than 300 detailed line drawings and photographs showing techniques for wound assessment, irrigation, closure, wound dressing, foreign body removal, administration of local anesthesia, and follow-up care.
- Quickly find all the relevant information necessary to treat patients with material that focuses only on injuries that are handled by emergency physicians.
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