PDF⋙ Soul Stories: African American Christian Education by Anne E. Streaty Wimberly
Soul Stories: African American Christian Education by Anne E. Streaty Wimberly
Soul Stories: African American Christian Education by Anne E. Streaty Wimberly PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In this revision of Soul Stories, Dr. Wimberly moves even more in the direction of Christian Education with African American families. Soul stories link persons' everyday life with the Christian Scriptures. The soul stories in this revised volume take on a cross-generational orientation with emphasis on linking stories of family identities, events, relationships, and story plot with Bible stories and exemplary Christian faith stories found in the African Diaspora. This orientation builds on an awareness of the continued fragmentation of Black family life and the disconnect between generations on one hand, yet, on the other hand, the profound yearning of Black people for a common family history. The goal of Dr. Wimberly's model is to enliven the values associated with the image of "village" in order to empower and equip African Americans today.From reader reviews:
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