PDF⋙ Hands-On Math Projects With Real-Life Applications: Grades 6-12 (J-B Ed: Hands On) by Judith A. Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla
Hands-On Math Projects With Real-Life Applications: Grades 6-12 (J-B Ed: Hands On) by Judith A. Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla
Hands-On Math Projects With Real-Life Applications: Grades 6-12 (J-B Ed: Hands On) by Judith A. Muschla, Gary Robert Muschla PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Hands-On Math Projects with Real-Life Applications, Second Edition offers an exciting collection of 60 hands-on projects to help students in grades 6--12 apply math concepts and skills to solving everyday, real-life problems! The book is filled with classroom-tested projects that emphasize: cooperative learning, group sharing, verbalizing concepts and ideas, efficient researching, and writing clearly in mathematics and across other subject areas. Each project achieves the goal of helping to build skills in problem solving, critical thinking, and decision making, and supports an environment in which positive group dynamics flourish.Each of the projects follows the same proven format and includes instructions for the teacher, a Student Guide, and one or more reproducible datasheets and worksheets. They all include the elements needed for a successful individual or group learning experience. The projects are easily implemented and can stand alone, and they can be used with students of various grade levels and abilities.
This thoroughly revised edition of the bestseller includes some new projects, as well as fresh information about technology-based and e-learning strategies and enhancements; No Child Left Behind standards; innovative teaching suggestions with activities, exercises, and standards-based objectives; reading and literacy connections; and guidelines and objectives for group and team-building projects.
Hands-On Math Projects with Real-Life Applications is printed in a lay-flat format, for easy photocopying and to help you quickly find appropriate projects to meet the diverse needs of your students, and it includes a special Skills Index that identifies the skills emphasized in each project. This book will save you time and help you instill in your students a genuine appreciation for the world of mathematics.
"The projects in this book will enable teachers to broaden their instructional program and provide their students with activities that require the application of math skills to solve real-life problems. This book will help students to realize the relevance and scope of mathematics in their lives."
--Melissa Taylor, middle school mathematics teacher, Point Pleasant Borough, New Jersey
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