PDF⋙ Power to Heal by Randy Clark Dmin
Power to Heal by Randy Clark Dmin
Power to Heal by Randy Clark Dmin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Release God's Healing Power In Your Life!
Every Christian has been sent and empowered by Jesus to heal the sick. The problem is that many of us don't know how to practically complete this task. We either think that miraculous healing has passed away, that the healing ministry is only available to special leaders, or that God simply picks and chooses who He decides to heal.
In Power to Heal, international evangelist, teacher and apostolic voice, Randy Clark, gives you eight practical, Bible-based tools that will help you start praying for the sick... and see them supernaturally healed!
You'll learn how to:
- Receive and share words of knowledge for healing
- Pray with authority to release God's power
- Keep ministering to people when they don't instantly get healed
- Use the five-step prayer model
- Step out, take risks and watch God do the miraculous
Discover the amazing truth about supernatural healing--that God wants to use you to release His miraculous power today!
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